"In a way, a First-World anarchist is like someone who only knew an abusive father, and ends up rejecting the very concept of family."

You are completely lost in the first paragraph. Anarchism is not incompatible with family, or with religion, or with voluntary participation in every sort of organization. It simply says that people should not be pushed around, ripped off, and abused by some arbitrary "government".

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Amen J! The definition of anarchy is "absence of rulers" ... which is looking pretty good right now ;-)

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Replace "government" with "father" -- as has always been done until impersonal Modernity came up with the kind of tyranny they call "government" and you'll understand it:

"[P]eople should not be pushed around, ripped off, and abused by some arbitrary FATHER" is precisely what you would hear from someone who never knew a father figure that was not abusive. You don't need to relinquish having a government to have your right not to be "pushed around, ripped off and abused" respected; no decent government would do it, and when if it ever did it would cease to be a legitimate government anyway. Until Modernity came, that is.

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Jul 26, 2022Liked by Carlos Ramalhete

Muito bom!

Carlos, você tem esse texto em português? Eu gostaria de republica-lo no Instituto Rothbard. https://rothbardbrasil.com/

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Tem não.

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Boas Caro Companheiro Escravo do Brasil...

Com esta é que me deste a volta ao miolo... "Fortunately, I live in a country whose language has no expression for 'law enforcement'".

Quanto ao resto, não há qualquer hipótese de o actual degenerado animal umano virar anarquista. Para tal era necessário que tal animal abraçasse a Responsabilidade Individual de forma absoluta. Ora tal abraço não se vê como uma possibilidade.

Portanto se um actual escravo moderno boçal "pensa" que virar anarquista lhe vai melhorar a existência é sinal que anda mesmo distraído e nem sequer sabe em que raio de Civilização é que anda a escravizar. Mais vale poupar as energias!

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